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  • TheSparta's avatar
    Updated dependencies + A few other things (!150) · 723f8db5
    TheSparta authored
    Initially this was going to be an update to dependencies but it seems i got a little carried away!
    Anyways this PR removes 2 unused dependencies (`jshint` and `utf-8-validate`), and 2 other, `del` and `fs-extra` that were replaced by the built-in `fs/promises`.
    It also renames all `tsconfig` and `Dockerfile` files, in a way that when viewed in a file tree sorted alphabetically they will be next to each other.
    It also updates the typescript target to `ES2022`, and changes moduleResolution from `Node` to `Node10` (this isn't an update, they are the same thing but `Node` is now deprecated).
    It also adds the `node:` discriminator to every import from built-in modules.
    It also has major changes to the build script, `del` and `fs-extra` were only being used in the build script, it's now using `fs/promises` instead, cleaned up the code from some functions, adds better documentation to a few functions, and renames some gulp tasks and npm scripts to better represent what they actually do.
    And finally it updates dependencies, except for `atomically` which can't be updated unless the project switches to ESM.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarTheSparta <>
    Co-committed-by: default avatarTheSparta <>
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